Policy Paper

In-depth, detailed assessments of the trends and issues shaping transatlantic debates.

5G Security: The New Energy Security

Introduction Europe is on the cusp of a crucial technological and political transformation. This year, most EU member states will need to finalize plans for building 5G networks, which will overhaul the way their economies function. Only a handful [...]

2024-03-05T11:51:07-05:00November 12, 2020|By |

A Future Internet for Democracies: Contesting China’s Push for Dominance in 5G, 6G, and the Internet of Everything

Executive Summary Democracies and Authoritarian Regimes in Competition for the Future Internet The United States and its democratic allies are engaged in a contest for the soul of the Future Internet. Conceived as a beacon of free expression with [...]

2024-02-07T13:53:51-05:00October 27, 2020|By |

Leaks, Lies, and Altered Tape: Russia’s Maturing Information Manipulation Playbook

Russia’s disinformation tactics, techniques, and procedures are evolving. Stakeholders of all types—journalists, regulators, and researchers—must see the full picture of Russian activity as it is changing to anticipate what might be to come. Intro [...]

2020-10-17T00:47:54-04:00October 14, 2020|By and |

Cyberattacks, Foreign Interference, and Digital Infrastructure: Conducting Secure Elections Amid a Pandemic

ASD’s Elections Integrity Fellow David Levine and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems’ Director for Europe and Eurasia Beata Martin-Rozumilowicz provide a guide to help election officials in the United States and Europe conduct secur [...]

2020-10-08T09:12:00-04:00October 8, 2020|By |

Iran’s Authoritarian Playbook: The Tactics, Doctrine, and Objectives behind Iran’s Influence Operations

Introduction According to a 2013 indictment by the U.S. Department of Justice, hackers backed by a foreign power gained access to the controls of the Bowman Avenue Dam, a small dam in the New York City suburb of Rye, New York. Cyberattacks on inf [...]

2020-10-22T14:36:18-04:00September 17, 2020|By |

Five Authoritarian Pandemic Messaging Frames and How to Respond

Summary As the coronavirus pandemic has spread around the world, authoritarian actors have engaged in robust information-manipulation campaigns. China—where the virus originated and spread due to the government’s initial cover up and mismanagement [...]

2021-05-19T15:28:05-04:00August 4, 2020|By and |

5G Tech Factsheet for Policymakers

ASD Emerging Technologies Fellow Lindsay Gorman, Harvard's Hugo Yen, and Virginia Tech's David Simpson provide a brief overview of 5G technology and related policy considerations for Harvard Belfer Center's Technology Factsheet Series.  Introducti [...]

2024-02-07T13:57:50-05:00June 26, 2020|By |

The Election Official’s Handbook: Six steps local officials can take to safeguard America’s election systems

Protecting the 2020 Election Intelligence and law enforcement agencies warn that Russia, China, Iran, and other foreign actors will seek to interfere in the 2020 presidential election.U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. De [...]

2020-06-24T15:01:53-04:00February 13, 2020|By |

Hamilton 2.0 Methodology & FAQs

How to Interpret Hamilton 2.0 Hamilton 2.0 displays outputs from sources that we can directly attribute to the Russian, Chinese, or Iranian governments or their various news and information channels. These channels and accounts often engage with t [...]

2023-11-01T16:28:54-04:00September 3, 2019|By |

Mueller Hearings: Policy Recommendations on Combatting Foreign Interference

In his testimony this week, former Special Counsel Robert Mueller III reiterated that foreign interference is “among the most serious” challenges to democracy, and that it “deserves the attention of every American.” The Alliance for Securing Democr [...]

2020-06-24T15:39:19-04:00July 26, 2019|By |

Online Harms White Paper: Open Consultation Submission to the U.K. Parliament

The following is an introduction to the submission by ASD Intern Amber Frankland In April 2019, the United Kingdom’s Home Office published its Online Harms White Paper, which proposed a regulatory framework designed to address the prevalence of “il [...]

2024-02-07T13:13:25-05:00June 27, 2019|By , and |

The ASD European Policy Blueprint For Countering Authoritarian Interference in Democracies

Executive Summary In recent years, European democracy has been shaken by internal and external events. European nations and institutions are confronting numerous challenges like migration, nationalist extremism, and discontent with the political s [...]

Laura Rosenberger’s Testimony Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee: “Undermining Democracy: Kremlin Tools of Malign Political Influence”

Statement by Laura Rosenberger, Director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy and Senior Fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States BEFORE THE UNITED STATES HOUSE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS Concerning: “Undermining Democracy: Kreml [...]

2019-06-20T14:28:36-04:00May 21, 2019|By |

Illicit Influence – Part Two – The Energy Weapon

The Energy Weapon is second in a six part series on Illicit Influence, published by the Alliance for Securing Democracy and C4ADS. The first part, A Case Study of the First Czech Russian Bank, can be found here.     Russia has a long his [...]

2019-07-26T13:26:09-04:00April 25, 2019|By and |

Fact Sheet: What we know about Russia’s interference operations

Russian interference operations against the United States during the 2016 presidential election were vast and complex. That’s the conclusion drawn by Special Counsel Mueller, as well as by the Department of Justice, the Intelligence Community, and [...]

2019-07-26T13:43:24-04:00March 25, 2019|By |

Joshua Kirschenbaum’s Testimony before the European Parliament Special Committee on Financial Crimes, Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance

Statement of JOSHUA KIRSCHENBAUM Alliance for Securing Democracy, the German Marshall Fund of the United States BEFORE THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL CRIMES, TAX EVASION AND TAX AVOIDANCE Concerning “Money laundering cases involving Russian ind [...]

2019-06-20T14:21:42-04:00February 4, 2019|By |
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