emerging technology

Responses to Foreign Information Operations

Panelists: Anneli Ahonen, Senior Fellow, ISD Global, and Former Head of East Stratcom Task Force, EEAS & EU vs Disinfo Renée DiResta, Research Manager, Stanford Internet Observatory Lee Foster, Senior Vice President, Althea Group and Former Dire [...]

2024-03-05T11:37:43-05:00December 7, 2021|By |

Lindsay Gorman with NBR: China’s Data Ambitions

Lindsay Gorman details China’s data ambitions with a particular eye to how they relate to emerging technology goals associated with AI. She then discusses how these efforts complicate democratic values in cyberspace and analyzes options for how demo [...]

2024-03-05T11:41:00-05:00August 14, 2021|By |

Making Cyberspace Safe for Democracy

Cybersecurity Fellow Maurice Turner led a conversation on making cyberspace safe for democracy at the German Marshall Fund's Brussels Forum. He was joined Mieke Eoyang, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for cyber policy at the U.S. Departmen [...]

2024-03-05T11:41:52-05:00June 18, 2021|By |

On 5G, Is Germany Selling Out Europe to China?

Senior Fellow Kristine Berzina moderated this GMF Face Off debate on the question "On 5G, is Germany selling out Europe to China?". She was joined by Reinhard Bütikofer (agree), a member of the European Parliament, Alliance 90/The Greens, and Julia [...]

2024-03-05T11:48:52-05:00January 27, 2021|By |
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