Krystyna Sikora


About Krystyna Sikora

Krystyna (Krysia) Sikora is a research assistant for the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD) at the German Marshall Fund, where she supports research on election integrity and information manipulation. Her writing has been published in the EU Observer, Euractiv, and the Fulcrum.

Prior to joining ASD, Krysia received an MA in Eurasian, Russian, and East European studies from Georgetown University. Her studies centered on right-wing populism, disinformation, and democratic decline in Central and Eastern Europe, with a focus on Poland. Krysia played professional soccer in Poland for two years and has a BA in political science and a certificate in policy journalism and media studies from Duke University.

Securing Democracy Dispatch

Our Take Voters’ wide rejection of election denier candidates in the 2022 US midterms shows that voters are  looking for candidates that build trust in US election processes, Head of External Affairs Rachael Dean Wilson said on Newsy.  Russian info [...]

2022-12-01T16:38:43-05:00December 1, 2022|By , and |
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