Etienne Soula


About Etienne Soula

Etienne Soula is a research analyst with the Alliance for Securing Democracy based in Brussels. His research focuses on how the PRC resorts to information manipulation, economic coercion, and tech exports to weaken democracies, in the EU, US, and their allies, and to disseminate its model of techno authoritarianism globally. Etienne maintains ASD’s authoritarian interference tracker that covers over 600 incidents of Russian and Chinese political and economic interference in Europe and North America. He also monitors and reports on Chinese diplomatic and state-media messaging. Etienne previously worked at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Hudson Institute, and NATO. He holds a dual master’s in international affairs from American University and the Université Libre de Bruxelles, as well as a law degree from the University of Nottingham.

The ASD European Policy Blueprint For Countering Authoritarian Interference in Democracies

Executive Summary In recent years, European democracy has been shaken by internal and external events. European nations and institutions are confronting numerous challenges like migration, nationalist extremism, and discontent with the political s [...]

2020-10-16T23:54:26-04:00June 25, 2019|By , , and |

Italy’s Risky Realignment

Every Italian learns about Marco Polo, a young merchant who left his native Venice in 1271, travelled to China, and returned home twenty-four years later with riches and treasure. Today, Italy’s government is betting that moving closer to Beijing wi [...]

2021-03-09T11:22:34-05:00June 13, 2019|By |

Authoritarians’ Latest Foothold in Brussels

Brussels is an attractive target for authoritarian actors seeking to subvert European and transatlantic politics. Host to the headquarters of the EU, NATO, and Eurocontrol, the agency responsible for air-traffic control system for all 41 of its Euro [...]

2019-03-04T16:20:47-05:00February 28, 2019|By |

Building a Trojan Horse

The Kremlin’s efforts to influence the 2016 election in the United States are well known – even now, a special prosecutor is investigating Russia’s ties to the Trump campaign. Less well reported are Russia’s social media campaigns in Germany ahead o [...]

2018-06-24T23:53:58-04:00October 9, 2017|By and |
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