Voice of Europe 2024: Staffer to Dutch far-right MEP investigated for colluding with Russia

On May 29, 2024, Belgian and French authorities searched the offices and apartment of Guillaume Pradoura, parliamentary aide to far-right Member of the European Parliament Marcel de Graaf for facilitating Russian interference, passive corruption, and membership of a criminal organization. The Belgian public prosecutor believed that Pradoura played an important role in a Europe-wide incident of Russian malign finance where MEPs received payments for spreading Russian propaganda via a news platform called Voice of Europe. Several other far-right MEPs employed Pradoura before he ended up working for De Graaf. He previously assisted MEPs of Rassemblement National and German far-right politician Maximilian Krah. He also facilitated access for a Russian-linked lobbyist to the German Bundestag.

About This Incident

Incident Metadata

Date: 29 May 2024
Country: Belgium
Source: Source Source 2