Russian state-backed legal foundation finances legal campaigns and pro-Kremlin propaganda websites in Europe

On June 2, 2024, European news outlets were granted access to leaked documents that detailed activities of the Russian state-backed legal defense foundation, Pravfond, which spent millions of euros financing propaganda websites and legal defense for people of interest to the Kremlin. While claiming to “protect compatriots against global Russophobia”, Pravfond financed the propaganda websites Golos which targeted the Ukrainian public, and Euromore which addressed Russian-speaking audiences in Europe. Both repeated Russian narratives about Ukraine as a corrupt and fascist state and claimed to promote traditional values. Pravfond also provided legal defense for suspected Russian intelligence agents operating in Europe, including arms trafficker Victor Bout and assassin Vadim Krasikov. Media reported that Pravfond and Russia’s military intelligence service GRU were connected. For example, the organization’s staff included former intelligence officers like Vladimir Pozdorovkin. The organization’s director Aleksandr Udaltsov was sanctioned by the EU in 2023 for “undermining and threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence of Ukraine”. Even though the fund has existed since 2012, its activities increased dramatically following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

About This Incident

Incident Metadata

Date: June 2, 2024
Country: Belgium
Source: Source Source 2