Duma associate shapes party politics in Cyprus to promote pro-Russian legislation

On February 3, 2023, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) published an investigative report detailing the permeating influence that a subversive group of lobbyists tied to the Russian parliament had on Cypriot party politics. The ‘International Agency for Current Policy’ (IACP), led by Russian Duma staffer and advisor Sargis Mirzakhanian, collaborated with the Russian-Cypriot Sergey Kozlov in order to sway politicians in favor of pro-Russian legislation. The IACP’s leaked emails reveal that a strategy to secure votes from “35-39 deputies” in the Cypriot parliament from the Democratic Rally and the Progressive Party for Working People, to pass a motion calling for an end to EU sanctions against Russia. Not only did the motion pass on July 7, 2016, but the following year Kozlov also helped establish the pro-Russia party Ego, o Politis (I, the Citizen).

About This Incident

Incident Metadata

Date: 2016-2021
Country: Cyprus
Source: Source Source 2