China called out by EU as one of the state-actors disseminating COVID-related disinformation in Europe
Following intense media scrutiny on whether the EU self-censored a report on COVID-related disinformation following pressures from Beijing, the organization released the report on April 27, 2020. The reports says that “official and state-backed sources from various governments, including Russia and – to a lesser extent – China, have continued to widely target conspiracy narratives and disinformation [at a European audience].” In a subsequent communication on this issue, Vice-President for Values and Transparency V?ra Jourová declared that “[The EU has] witnessed a lot of accusations that the coronavirus has been developed in U.S. laboratories, and also the overselling of the support from China in the EU.”

About This Incident

Threat Actors: China

Incident Metadata

Date: 4/27/2020
Country: Belgium
Source: Source Source 2