2021 Elections: PRC Diplomat targets Canadian MP and his family

In February 2021, Michael Chong, a member of parliament (MP) from the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) sponsored a parliamentary motion to label the PRC’s treatment of Uighurs in Xinjiang Province a genocide. Soon thereafter, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service found that PRC officials were collecting data on Chong’s relatives in Hong Kong and concluded that the PRC intended to make an example of him to deter other MPs from taking similar “anti-China” positions. In May 2023, Canada expelled PRC diplomat Zhao Wei for his role in targeting Chong and his family. Chong also reported a disinformation campaign directed at him in the summer of 2023. While Canadian intelligence confirmed that a campaign directed at Chong had several hallmarks of a PRC-directed operation, such as a coordinated network on popular Chinese messaging app WeChat, it could not definitively attribute the activity to the PRC.

About This Incident

Threat Actors: China

Incident Metadata

Date: February 2021
Country: Canada