The Hamilton 2.0 dashboard, a project of the Alliance for Securing Democracy at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, provides a summary analysis of the narratives and topics promoted by Russian, Chinese, and Iranian government officials and state-backed media on Twitter, Telegram, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, state-sponsored news websites, and via official press releases and transcripts published by their respective ministries of foreign affairs. Social Data Search is a multi-platform search engine and data discovery tool meant to supplement Hamilton 2.0’s native search capabilities.
The aim of the dashboard and search tool is to increase our understanding of the focus and spread of state-backed government messaging across various information mediums. The data provided here is intended to be a starting point for in-depth analysis; in short, this dashboard provides the questions, not the answers. Hamilton 2.0 will continue to evolve and expand its features. It is our hope that this project will empower researchers studying nation-state information campaigns and the broader information ecosystem. FAQs, tracked accounts, and further details can be found on the methodology page.
On July 13, 2023, X/Twitter removed access to its API for the Alliance for Securing Democracy’s Hamilton 2.0 dashboard. Likewise, Meta shut down Crowdtangle on August 14, 2024, stopping new Instagram and Facebook ingestion. This forced a re-architecture of the Hamilton dashboard, and thus data between those dates and October 2024 is incomplete for the aforementioned platforms.
Interpreting Hamilton 2.0
Hamilton 2.0 displays posts from sources that we can directly attribute to the Russian, Chinese, or Iranian governments or their various news and information channels. These channels and accounts often engage with topics, hashtags, URLs, and people that are in no way affiliated with the Russian, Chinese, or Iranian governments. It would therefore be INCORRECT to, without further analysis, label anyone or anything that appears on the dashboard, such as an account being retweeted, as being connected to state-backed propaganda without further evidence.
Note – The dashboard uses natural language processing and other machine learning and auto-translation tools to extract key information from the data. Although highly accurate, automated systems are imperfect. We urge all those reporting on the dashboard to confirm findings with ASD.
Click on the relevant tabs below to see data from X/Twitter, Telegram, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, state-sponsored news websites, and press conferences and transcripts published by their respective foreign affairs ministries.