Editor of Slovak disinformation outlet travels to Beijing

In mid-May 2024, Tibor Eliot Rostas, editor in chief of Zem&Vek (Earth and Age) magazine travelled to China in an attempt to foster ties with the PRC’s propaganda apparatus. Slovak media watchdog Košpirátori.sk ranked Zem&Vek among the least reliable outlets in the country. According to Rostas’ social media channels, he met with the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin, participated in discussions with state-owned broadcaster CCTV, and was interviewed by the People’s Daily about “conditions in the collapsing European Union”. Visegradinsight reports that Zem&Vek helps improve “visibility of the Chinese embassy in Slovakia” and that, in 2023, the magazine contributed some of the most visible content discussing China in the Slovak language. At the time of his trip, Rostas was also a candidate in the 2024 European Parliament elections where he ran for the far-right Republika party.

About This Incident

Incident Metadata

Date: May 2024
Country: Slovakia