Russian disinformation group targets the Paris Olympics

On June 2, 2024, Microsoft published an intelligence report highlighting disinformation campaigns by “Russian influence actors” Storm-1679 and Storm-1099 dating back to June 2023 and aiming to discredit the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. In the first campaign, Storm-1679 created a faux Netflix documentary, narrated by an AI-generated Tom Cruise voice and titled “Olympics Has Fallen”, which they promoted across social media using AI-edited Cameo videos of American celebrities delivering anti-Ukraine messages and encouraging viewers to watch the documentary. Both Storm-1679 and Storm-1099’s main disinformation tactic, however, was to replicate reputable media outlets and democratic governments to disseminate Kremlin-talking points under the guise of authoritative sources. In one case, Storm-1679 released press releases supposedly emanating from the CIA and French General Directorate for Internal Security discouraging people from attending the Olympics, citing terrorist attack concerns. Similarly, Storm-1099’s versions of French outlets Le Parisien and Le Point propagated criticisms against Macron’s “showmanship” and his disregard of socio-economic issues in France.

About This Incident

Incident Metadata

Date: June 2023-June 2024
Country: France