Xinhua publishes content in major Greek newspaper

In April 2017, the PRC government-controlled Xinhua News Agency signed a cooperation agreement with one of the largest daily newspapers in Greece, Kathimerini. Although the exact terms of the agreement remain unknown, a study conducted by the Institute of International Economic Relations revealed that, in 2020 alone, Kathimerini republished at least one Xinhua report per week, for a total of 66 publications. According to the study, the reports defended the PRC over criticisms for the spread of COVID-19, applauded the Belt and Road Initiative, and painted a “rosy picture of Sino-Greek relations”. In 2019, Kathimerini released an article signed by President Xi prior to an official state visit to Greece, where he addressed the Greek people and called for the “continued success” of the Confucius Institute and China Cultural Center in Athens.

About This Incident

Threat Actors: China

Incident Metadata

Date: 2017-2020
Country: Greece